Mask up!

Our CEO is flying in for a site visit and meeting today and we all have to wear masks even though we’re all spread out in a warehouse because of corporate rules for offices.

Gun crew with gas masks aboard HMS Broke

I suggested Iron Man or luchadore masks but got shot down with a quickness. Everyone thought the idea had merit though…

Sexy Vamps!

Vampire formation flypast to mark the completion of the No. 61 Pilots Course at No. 2 Flight Training School (2FTS) at RAAF

RAAF de Havilland Vampire formation flypast to mark the completion of the No. 61 Pilots Course at No. 2 Flight Training School (2FTS) at RAAF Pearce in Western Australia on August 17th, 1967

Sometime in the early 90s a new magazine for plastic model builders hit the market.  I don’t remember the name anymore but IIRC it was primarily for aircraft modellers.  What I DO remember is a Vampire on the cover with the heading “Sexy Vamps!”.

Mom later told me I was about to catch hell for bringing “that kind” of magazine home until she realized it was about model airplanes…